Monday, July 23, 2007

swimming teacher...

bagai pinang dibelah dua & my son...


new swimsuit..makes him much more confident.. " look daddy..likes an ultraman suit" he said..

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

carosello ( italian..)

merry-go-round...still its a fun to ride it..remembering my childhood when we go to PRJ at Monas back in 80's...

sky full of balloon

a giant ad-balloon all over the sky....

so colourful

the air is filled with sweat..loud music from every stand ( the gap between stands are about 2 meter only)...the sound that came to your ear is noisy not music..

GREEN BAJAJ..???!!!!

usually this thing is red or orange...and the green one really a rare species of their kind..

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


i'm not afraid with all the new kids on the blocks...i'm a king at my era..even though i'm a little bit rusty....still..i'm a king..used to be....


my name is jiwo..they called me mbah jiwo..been through a lot of chaos..war and hard time..and i can survive ..i will always survive..i must survive...because i'm a soldier..


hot..juicy..spicy noodle with sweet chicken's called "mie ayam"....


eating mie pangsit accompanied by cold teh botol in the morning at taman around menteng....

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


one fine morning in taman menteng....

Sunday, July 1, 2007

15th floor alley..

a perfect spot to released a full view city...


this thing is really huge..up to 4th floor...

JAKARTA at night..

the city that never sleep....


waiting for someone miss....